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China Market

Rating: 1
In early 2002, China successfully joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). After almost 15 years of negotiation, she has become part of the effective liberalizing Treaty.
Following China's entry into WTO, she has made significant cuts in import tariffs on numerous products. Another move that resulted was the eliminated of the tariff-rate quota system for bulk commodities. Trading rights and distribution services in China are two of the top concerns for WTO nations, manufacturers and agricultural exporters. China plans to progressively phase out these two big sectors in three years time. China will also open up many other service related sectors and has made commitment to lift a significant majority of current restrictions in an extensive range of services, including banking, insurance, telecommunications and professional services, such as accountancy and legal consultation. China's ascension to WTO status has generated great business opportunities for the over 140 WTO nations, as well as for China herself. To facilitate the exchange between WTO nations and China, we have created this website Our intention for the website is to provide a convenient means for Chinese in China in finding out more on fellow WTO nations and simultaneously ease the promotion and marketing of products and services from the world in China with her 1.3 billion population. (This section is in Chinese.) At the same time, we strive for effective information on China and her huge market for the world nations, as well as communicate to the world the benefits and opportunities that China brings with her new WTO status. (This section is in English.)
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Asia

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