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World Trade Center of New Orleans

Rating: 1
WTC New Orleans is a non-profit organization of 2,100 corporate and individual members which was started in 1943 as International House and in 1945 as International Trade Mart, its two predecessor organizations, which merged in 1985. Dating back to its origins more than 50 years ago, WTC New Orleans was the first of what are today more than 300 World Trade Center organizations in over 90 countries which are members of the World Trade Centers Association. The Association itself was founded in New Orleans in 1968. The mission of the World Trade Center is to add wealth and jobs in Louisiana through international trade, port development, and allied activities.
In line with these objectives, the WTC has long been involved in conducting a wide range of trade promotion, educational, and legislative programs designed to enhance Louisiana's position in international trade, investment, transportation, banking, and other trade-related services, and to contribute to the state's overall economic development. These programs include training classes on exporting and importing; foreign language classes; seminars on doing business in other countries; international conferences and trade shows; international trade publications; and trade missions to other countries. In addition, over the years countless dignitaries from throughout the world have visited the WTC as honorees or speakers at WTC programs, as well as business men and women visiting Louisiana on trade missions or individually from around the globe. Through these and other programs, WTC New Orleans serves as a catalyst in furthering Louisiana's trade with other countries and bringing together international buyers and sellers to generate new business. In recognition of its efforts, the WTC has received both the President's "E" and "E-Star" Awards for outstanding contributions to the expansion of United States exports.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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