E-CoMart? is a revolutionary Business-to-Business e-marketplace for consumer-finished goods where businesses from all over the world can easily and effectively FIND each other, COMMUNICATE and TRADE.
E-CoMart? operates the proprietary Product Oriented Auto Matching? system (Trade Mark and Patent Pending).
Sellers - E-CoMart? is a New Global Marketing Channel.
Sell your products - create your own product profiles simply and rapidly from your desktop. Once you have posted your product profile, the system will automatically send it to all the buyers from around the world who have expressed an active desire to buy products in your SPECIFIC category.
Buyers - E-CoMart? is a Global one-stop-shop for consumer-finished goods. Identify your exact buying needs and let the system find the products for you. Each time a new seller from around the world posts a product that matches your needs, information regarding this product will automatically be sent to your Trade Manager?. |