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1 Point Commerce

Rating: 2
1Point Commerce is the Trading and Communication Center of a Global ECommerce Network.The Network makes Global Commerce Easy, Simple and almost Local.
The Network Promotes companies globally, provides the necessary online and off-line infrastructures to enable companies to trade with the world, complete transactions, and to successfully expand into new markets .?/FONT> 1Point Commerce with its Multi-Local Representatives enables?member companies worldwide to interact, communicate, share information, collaborate, negotiate trade deals online (patent pending), and conclude deals. To complete successfully negotiated trade deals, 1Point Commerce's Multi-Local Associates (Business Service Providers) assists buyers and suppliers to do so efficiently, and cost-effectively. We are always expanding our Multi-Local presence of Representatives and Associates to cover more countries and cities worldwide. With every market we cover, our Associates assist companies wanting to expand into the Associates' markets. Associates assist companies to do so, while minimizing companies' costs and risks of entering such markets.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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