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Africa Business Direct

Rating: 2
Welcome to Africa Business Direct, the all-business portal for Africa. Our mission is to expand African business globally.
Africa Business Direct is a US and Africa-based company focused on helping African companies expand their international business presence, within Africa and globally. This expansion requires strong trade and investment links with other countries, so we also provide assistance to international companies seeking to identify and develop business opportunities in Africa. New multilateral and bilateral initiatives, and political events, have created opportunities for African companies to play a larger role in the world economy. Africa Business Direct has developed a comprehensive range of information and services designed to help African companies benefit from these new opportunities. We use the Internet as a tool to help us reach and assist many more companies than we could do otherwise. But we are not a dotcom?as that term has come to be understood. Most of our users find it easier, faster and more efficient to access our products and services via the Internet, but these are equally available to people or companies which do not have Internet access. Our products and services are grouped into the following categories: Information, Research, Trade, Finance and Logistics. These cover the main elements of devising and implementing a successful business expansion strategy. Our site is grouped into seven functional areas, or centers, which together cover all of these categories in an easy-to-navigate way.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Africa

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