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Rating: 2
France is the ideal base for foreign companies to establish European-wide operations
France is among the world's leading destinations for foreign direct investment offering high levels of training and education, a productive and reliable labor force, modern infrastructure, a central position within the single European market -- proximity to the United Kingdom and land-borders with Spain, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg -- and excellent quality of life. Discover the best locations in France for your business: North-eastern France: Aisne Aube Haute-Marne Montbliard Moselle North-western France: Le Choletais Touraine Atlantic Coast: Nantes Vende Paris region: Marne-la-Valle Oise Seine-et-Marne Seine-Saint-Denis Central France: Puy-de-D?me South-western France: Midi-Pyrnes Languedoc-Roussillon A guide to the economic environment of your business in France including geographical analysis and a selection of French organizations actively looking to attract businesses in your sector.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Europe

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