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Mercosur B2B

Rating: 2
Description: is a business-to-business web site that contains
Internet interactive sub-portals. Our mission: Searching and fostering the increase of foreign trade, mergers and acquisitions of enterprises of the region, contacting the with new markets and investors. Our efforts are directed to make a "solution-site" for enterprises of the region helping them to optimize resources, time, processes and information. The services we provide to our users are the following: A Market Place or on-line Business Center where buyers and suppliers may offer and ask for products and/or services, using intelligent browsers which will classify them by categories and subcategories, by SIC code or by harmonized system of products. A Market Place which helps our users meet potential partners, and offer and/or request strategic alliances, investors or people interested in purchasing your enterprise. A Virtual Trade show, where you will find different pavilions in which your company may place its virtual stand with the logo and photos of your products, with a description of the same, with link to your site, if you have one, and where you will be able to design a multimedia stand.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Europe

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