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American Importers Association

Rating: 2
Member of the Federation of International Trade Associations
State of Florida Corporation Document Number: N03000002717 Our mission is to bring exporting companies from around the world together with American importing companies. What We Do For American Importers Importers, buyers, and wholesalers in the US who have a wide variety of suppliers to choose from worldwide have a much better chance of getting the products they want, at the highest quality, and at the price they want to pay. Send us your company name and details and we will add it to our database. This database is sent to exporters around the world. These exporters will contact you with the products they have to offer. What We Do For Foreign Exporters There are thousands and thousands of exporting companies around the world that would like to export their goods to the US but are not sure how to begin or the best ways of marketing to American importers and wholesalers. Our goal is to help these exporters. If you are an exporter who would like to export your goods to the US, our database can help you start or increase your exports to the USA.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: America

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