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EuroTrade Market Network

Rating: 3
Eurotrade Market Network is non-government trade infrastructure.
Companies around the world are successfully exporting their goods by orders of Eurotrade Association. We welcome suppliers who are capable to deliver acceptable standards of quality and interested to participate in Eurotrade Import - Export Program . Eurotrade provides International Companies with export facilities for their products. Makes it's own market research for the proposed by subscribers products or services . The formula of the Eurotrade is based on more than 100 Countries markets network. The organization offers the most advanced facilities to enable efficient, fast and professional market development. Eurotrade Market Network is open and transparent solution, which connects suppliers to European and International markets . To Become a Supplier of Eurotrade Association Our staff are ready to serve you. Aided by the very latest media, they communicate every day with points at every corner of the globe and keep track of market developments. They are prepared to take all your worries off your hands, to answer your questions. Naturally, you can contact us in any language, by means of any medium, and at any time. Quality without concessions Whatever you deliver , no matter where, when or what the quantity , the quality is your trademark. Regardless of the points on the compass from which the products have come. We place high demands on our goods, just as we do on our suppliers. We select them with care and cultivate a personal relationship. We believe this to be a condition to doing good business: working together on the basis of trust, and undertaking ventures side by side. This way, we know exactly what we are getting, from where it has come, and under what circumstances it has been produced. The result is a surprisingly wide array of products , always of reliable quality. The best possible balance between supply and demand. This is our aim. Naturally, we have to react quickly to all the whims of the market, but speed is also extremely important when it comes to transport. A delay would mean a loss. Eurotrade has perfect facilities for providing fast, efficient transport. We maintain daily contact with dozens of reliable hailers who are convinced of the need for the high demands we make. This way, we are literally and figuratively right in the middle of the market, we know how to get anyplace on earth, and we are always able to transport products under the very best conditions. Quickly, safely and responsibly. From harvest to final destination, we are deeply involved in guiding the products on their way. We are constantly alert to this process, we satisfy the highest international requirements in the areas of quality, hygiene, environmental protection, and safety and are therefore completely ISO and HACCP certified. Furthermore, we devote a great deal of attention to traceability, we have a highly advanced tracking system, and we are able to provide detailed information at any time. At Eurotrade, we believe cooperation to be the key. We are involved, contribute to finding solutions, and pay extremely close attention to the interests of all parties. We cultivate personal relationships in order to become acquainted with all individual wishes and requirements and to deliver exactly what the customers want. The result is that you can rely on Eurotrade. After all, due to our International Network, we can deliver top quality products at any time and simultaneously assure our suppliers of a market. Working with Eurotrade is never one-sided. And a way of working that provides all parties with commercial success without making any concessions at all to quality. Ultimately, all of our partners want the same thing: to be commercially successful, to reach its goals, to operate quickly and effectively, and to be rewarded for its efforts. Working together with Eurotrade makes this possible. Because we make our plans with the long-term future in mind, we build on relationships, and we invest in quality because this is what endures longest.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Europe

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