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World Trade Centers Association

Rating: 3
More than a building or an organization, a World Trade Center (WTC) brings together business government agencies involved in international trade, provides essential trade services and stimulates the economy of the region it serves. A WTC puts all the services associated with global commerce under one roof. A WTC address gives a business prime and continuous access and exposure to all the services, organizations and individuals essential for success in world trade. "A World Trade Center in any city is a business shopping center, complementing and supporting the existing services of private and government agencies", explains World Trade Center Association (WTCA) President, Guy F. Tozzoli.
The purpose of the World Trade Center is to have information available to businesses in a timely and coordinated manner. Exporting for companies increases because of the immediate accessibility to valuable expertise and energy created by a vibrant market place of international trade activity.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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