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Global Market

Rating: 3
GlobalMarket is the world's leading trade facilitator. Established since 1995, the company is renowned among global buyer community and manufacturers for its trade promotion expertise.
Professional consulting team researches in depth the enterprises development goal, explores and analyzes the enterprises competitive advantages, customizes global development program to enable the manufacturer to win more export orders. Customer service team provides tight knitted services, aims solely at successful execution of the customer's global development program. Dedicated Impact Management Department continuously analyses the enterprises market development effectiveness,unceasingly striking to improve the market development program. Intense participation in over 100 exhibitions annually, uses the pulses of the market as the guiding force,attack dynamic global market, focusing on year-round active professional buyers. Professional trade catalog accentuates competitive advantage, enterprise trade website provides detailed information; use trade catalog to drive trade website traffic, embrace global trade opportunities. Europe, North America, Hong Kong offices to serve over two hundred thousand active global buyers.Service network covering twenty major manufacturing cities in China, providing manufacturers global market development services. Industries served: Lighting, Audio Video, Home Appliances, IT and Communications, Hardware, Apparel.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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