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The Federation of International Trade Associations

Rating: 3
FITA Headquarters in Reston, Virginia, USA
The Federation of International Trade Associations (FITA), founded in 1984, fosters international trade by strengthening the role of local, regional, and national associations throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada that have an international mission. FITA affiliates are 450+ independent international associations which fall into six categories: World Trade Clubs (world trade clubs, centers, councils; international trade associations, etc.) Examples: Washington International Trade Association; World Trade Center Miami; World Trade Club of St. Louis; Women in International Trade Chapters. Associations/Chambers of Commerce with regional/Bi-Lateral interests - Examples: the German American Business Association; the British-American Chamber of Commerce; the U.S.-Russia Business Council. Associations Focused on International Logistics - Examples: National Customs Brokers & Freight Forwarders Association; Women in Transportation; Containerization & Intermodal Institute. Associations Supporting International Trade - such as small business development centers/organizations, etc. Examples: Coalition for Employment through Exports; Florida Trade Data Center. Associations Supporting Exporters - Examples: Small Business Exporters Association; National Association of Export Companies; Export Managers Association of California; National Association of Export Companies. Professional Associations - Examples: British Academy of Film & Television Arts Los Angeles; Foundation for International Meetings; International Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association; American Translators Association The 400,000 organizations linked to FITA through their membership in a FITA member association represent a broad cross-section of the international trade community: manufacturers, trading companies, contractors, freight forwarders, custom house brokers, airlines, shipping companies, port authorities, banks, insurance brokers and underwriters, associations and a wide range of service providers including telecommunications companies, law firms, and consultants. MEMBERSHIP in FITA
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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