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Asian Products

Rating: 4
For nearly a decade AsianProducts has created trade opportunities between buyers and suppliers through the integration of cataloguing media, marketing, and the internet.
Founded in 1996, AsianProducts is a complete online trade directory and marketplace which connects international buyers and suppliers. Buyers can search through thousands of products using the comprehensive sort and search functions and can contact suppliers directly via communication channels available at Suppliers can introduce their factories and showcase their product range to an international audience in their personal online showroom. AsianProducts' Mission AsianProducts' aim is to make the international buying experience as easy as possible for buyers and suppliers across the globe by enabling buyers to extend their scope and connect with manufacturers and suppliers who would otherwise prove impossible or very expensive and time consuming to contact. The website provides 24/7 access to AsianProducts' enormous database of products and suppliers, whilst a range of trade publications support the more traditional methods of marketing, advertising and promotion.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Asia

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