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Centers for international trade development

Rating: 1
The Centers for International Trade Development (CITD) are funded through the California Community Colleges, Economic and Workforce Development Program (EWD) the premier provider of economic and workforce programs in California; which includes strategic units for Biotechnology, Environmental Technology, Manufacturing Technologies, Advance Transportation, Multimedia & Entertainment, Small Business, Health Occupations. The CITDs are the strategic unit for international trade and assist thousands of companies annually in conducting international business.
With 14 offices throughout California, each CITD is hosted by a local community college and provides a variety of free or low-cost programs & services to assist local companies in doing business abroad. These include one-on-one technical assistance and consulting, market research, training and educational programs, trade leads and special events. As a community focused agency, the CITDs have developed numerous strategic partnerships with other associations and agencies, both locally and globally. Working closely with such organizations allows the CITD to gain access to additional resources and offer more programs, and extend its already powerful network of support around the world.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: America

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