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Poland Import Export Gateway

Rating: 2
Poland's Trade And Business Gateway
You are now at the Poland Import Export Chamber of Commerce on Line that is the Trade Gateway for Poland. There are over 7,000 pages of information about Polish products, services and other useful information about doing business with Poland. You may access them through the navigation bar at the left. And may read about us and get contact information at this link. You may also visit us in Warsaw Poland at the Warsaw Trade Center by clicking here. We are a self supporting NGO (Non Government Organization) that operates a private Chamber of Commerce with no connection to the Polish government. As such you get service from a self supporting Chamber of Commerce that has to respond to customer's needs and provide services needed by the public. We approach business as business people and not government bureaucrats. You are invited to read about us in our about us section in the navigation bar.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Europe

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