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Business Wire

Rating: 1
Business Wire disseminates full-text news announcements from thousands of companies and organizations worldwide (our members) to news media, financial markets, disclosure systems, investors, information web sites, databases and other audiences.
With more than four decades of experience and leadership, Business Wire is a trusted source for journalists, investors, regulatory agencies, and communications professionals. In fact, Business Wire enables companies to fulfill the disclosure requirements in many countries, including the US, UK, Canada, France and Germany as well as reach financial audiences around the globe. The Wire Service Business Wire's worldwide team of experts has built the most comprehensive news network ever assembled. With access to more than 60 leading news agencies throughout the world in addition to our proprietary network technology, Business Wire ensures that news is delivered to audiences in each market via their preferred manner and in their preferred language. Our members direct where they want their news disseminated, specifying the geographic markets, industry audiences and editorial desks most appropriate for the announcements. Our network delivers news simultaneously and in real-time directly into the newsroom editorial systems at newspapers, wire services, television and radio programs, magazines and online news services. Journalists rely on the Business Wire file as they plan their news coverage. In addition, full-text news is placed into the news systems of leading Internet portals, financial and research databases, news and information sites, and content syndicates.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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