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Easy Import Export

Rating: 1
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, America's recent annual exports to Europe totaled nearly $150 million. American exports to the Western Hemisphere nations totaled more than $243 million .
My father started an import-export company about 30 years ago in the medical equipment industry. As a professor in bio-medical engineering, his original goal was to help his country improve the medical service standard. His company has since expanded to more than 10 companies focusing on different fields in the medical industry, from consumer-used products such as thermometers to large hospital-used MRI machines. His trading company group is now the largest in its field in his country. He passed away 8 years ago due to colon cancer, and this web-site is not only to share what I have learned from him and my personal experience but also as a tribute to him. Though International trade is one of the oldest industry, thanks to technology, it is still the hottest. From prehistoric man trading shells and salt with distant tribes, to the biblical age with the great caravans cargoes of silks and spices, to Marco Polo. Trade exists because one group or country has a supply of some commodity or merchandise that is in demand by another. And as the world becomes more and more technologically advanced, as we shift from subtle to not so subtle ways toward "one world" modes of thought, international trade becomes easier and more and more rewarding, both in terms of profit and personal satisfaction. I hope this web-site will serve as a tool for your success in the importing and exporting businesses or just a basic knowledge and understanding of the business. We will continue updating the site with new information and please feel free to provide your feedback to us. Good luck and have fun browsing!
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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