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Business Marketing

Rating: 1
Many of today's leading organizations trust and rely on Business Training Media, Inc.? (BTM) to help them meet their training and employee development needs. Formed in 1998, BTM provides workforce and business-development training programs designed exclusively for corporate trainers, managers, executives, educators, entrepreneurs and professionals in law enforcement and human resources.
Our easy-to-navigate corporate training site features more than 5,000 business and employee training videos, DVDs, workshops, computer-based training programs, interactive learning courses, live seminars, print-based materials and free articles. Our On-line Corporate Training Catalog makes finding the right product simple. You'll find thousands of training programs and hundreds of topics including: business ethics, communication skills, leadership, change management, customer service, motivation, human resources, healthcare, employment law, sales, diversity, law enforcement, total quality management, workplace safety, conflict management, team building, harassment prevention, workplace violence, starting a business and more. Many of today's leading organizations trust and rely on BTM to help them meet their training and development needs. Our customers include a wide array of corporate, educational, law enforcement, government, healthcare, small business and non-profit organizations worldwide.
Industry: Miscellaneous
Geography: Global

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